HomilyChart - Homily Robert Xu

Trend Expert

Trend Expert takes price trend as core, and reveals the basic direction of the trend. Don’t put all eggs in one basket. Position control and stop-loss can give you a big hand on the road to success in stock market.

Trend Expert and Deviation Expert

See the figure, A point in EngKong W091113 (AK7W), the column of Deviation Expert turns red, it indicates that the inflow of capital is greater than the outflow of capital.

At the same time, the Dow Candlestick of the Trend Expert subsequently turns red. The capital and trend combine well with each other. All of them indicate the stock comes into rising sharply. At B Point, the column of Deviation Expert turns green, it indicates that the outflow of capital is greater than the inflow of capital, meanwhile the Dow Candlestick turns green, we can decrease our position or even close the position in long position, and vice versa in short position. In later period, we can grasp the rising quotation by combining with the two private functions (from C to D).

Homily Rainbow and Red White Circle

See the figure, A point in Amara(A34), it breaks up the concentration area of Homily Rainbow, the major trend will reverse, meanwhile, the white circle turns red, it is a buy signal. It will not be a sell signal until the red circle turns white. And the market still goes on with long arrangement, we can grasp precisely the two periods (BC DE) of rise quotation by combining with the two private functions.

HomilyChart - Homily Robert Xu